Programming Languages Retreat

Friday, May 18th, 2012
Laboratory of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd, Ithaca, NY 14850 (Directions)


Laboratory of Ornithology

The objective of the Programming Languages Retreat is to give students and faculty an opportunity to get feedback on their current work in a friendly setting. We will also have a session devoted to discussing broader trends and challenges in research.

This year Cornell CS alumnus John Field (PhD '91) will give an invited talk on his recent work.

Schedule (tentative)

Time Topic Speaker
8:45IntroductionNate, JB, and Mark
9:00The Google Build System
The high-performance engine inside Google's code construction factory
John Field (Google)
10:30Short Talks I
1:00Discussion SessionAndrew and Nate
1:30Short Talks II
3:15Short Talks III
5:00Outdoor Activities
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Last updated May 9th, 2012