CS 486: Applied Logic | Spring 1999 |
Course Administration

 | Instructors |
 | Teaching Assistants |
Evan Moran, Rhodes Hall 486, evan@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday 2:30 - 3:30 pm, Rhodes Hall 486
James Cheney, 4121 Upson Hall, jcheney@cs.cornell.edu
Office Hour: Tuesday 1:45 - 2:45 pm, 4121 Upson Hall
 | Administrative Assistant |
 | Time and Location |
Tuesday and Thursday, 10:10 - 11:25 a.m., 110 Hollister Hall |
 | Prerequisites |
CS 280 (hence 211); solid mathematics; preferably an algebra course (know about rings, polynomials); knowledge of functional programming (preferably Scheme, Lisp, or ML). |
 | Work Load |
10 homework assignments (± 2), possibly some using the Nuprl system; quizzes; Prelim; Final exam; small project, using computer system or library research. |
 | Grading |
Homework/quizzes | 40% | ± 5% | must be your own words, acknowledging sources |
Prelim | 15% ± 2% | Given April 1 |
Final | 30% | ± 5% | Friday, May 14 |
Project | 15% ± 3% | possible joint work by prior arrangement |
 | Textbooks and Course Material |
First Order Logic, By R. Smullyan
Axiomatic Set Theory by P. Suppes
| |
Joan Lockwood, Department of Computer Science, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY. Mail to: joan@cs.cornell.edu |