CS 4850 Spring 2015
Mathematical Foundations for the Information Age
MWF 1:25pm-2:15pm Olin Hall 165
Announcements Concepts Exams Homework Course Staff Office Hours
*add '.edu' after these addresses when sending an email.
John Hopcroft
Office hours by appointment only
Yixuan Li
Office hours: Thursday 1:30pm - 2:30pm, G17 Gates Hall
Undergrad TAs:
Timothy Murray
Office hours: Tuesday 5:30pm-6:30pm, G21 Gates Hall
Xiaoyue Guo
Office hours: Wednesday 3:30pm-4:30pm, 328B (Bay B), Upson Hall
Lu Yang
Office hours: Friday 4pm-5pm, G15 Gates Hall
Ryan Campbell
Office hours: Monday 2:30pm-3:30pm, 328B (Bay D), Upson Hall
Franklin Li
Office hours: Wednesday 6pm-7pm, G19 Gates Hall
Mihailo Russell Rebec
Office hours: Monday 4pm-5pm, G21 Gates Hall
Phillip Cole
Office hours: Saturday, 2pm-3pm, G21 Gates Hall
Heming Ge
Office hours: Monday, 3:30pm-4:30pm, G17 Gates Hall
Homework: Questions for the HWs are from Kannan/Hopcroft textbook (see above). Students are encouraged to work together but each must submit his own HW (written in his own words). The only requirement is that you understand everything you turn in. You must show all your work to receive substantial credit. These include all the relevant part of your code for the coding questions and the assumptions you made/parameters you used that were not specified in the question text. You are expected to type your solutions (i.e. no handwriting) and electronically submit to CMS.