Exam week office hours by Jaeyong on Thursday Dec 6 from 10am to 11am @ Upson 360
Exam week office hours by Paul on Monday Dec 3 and Wednesday Dec 5 at 3:30pm
Info for final exam: (1) For date, time, and location, see below. (2) The coverage is cumulative, i.e., includes all material covered in course. (3) Use lecture notes as a study guide. Supplement with relevant readings from R&N (relevant sections are indicated on slides). (4) Also, study hwks and midterm with solutions to get a feel for the type of questions. (5) You can bring a two-sided sheet of notes to the exam + calculator (for eg info gain).
Info for CS-4701 projects: Hi! For those of you doing the AI practicum part (CS-4701), projects with presentations are due in the second week of exam week. I will mail around a message for folks to sign up for a meeting slot during the period from Mon., Dec 11 through Thurs., Dec 13th.
For HW3&HW4, we will post clarifications on Piazza. Search for "tag:clarification" in the search box.
I have posted Hwk #4. It's officially due on Friday, Nov. 30th. However, I'm giving an informal extension till noon, Monday, Dec. 3rd. Submit on-line on CMS. The homework is on machine learning. We have not yet covered all the material on the hwk. However, this early posting should help you plan for an always busy end of term! (Don't forget Hwk #3, due Wedn. Nov. 21st.)
Note: Final exam date, time, and location: Fri, Dec 7, 2:00 PM, URHG01: Uris Hall G01. It's a 2 ½ hr exam. (Handy pointer: see for university schedule.)
For HW3 & HW4, you MUST submit electronic copy (PDF) through CMS. Please do NOT bring a hard copy to class.
Update!! Extension Hwk. #3: Now due Wedn., Nov. 21st, beginning of class time. Submit on-line via CMS.
Hwk #3 posted.
Midterm: Friday, Oct. 19 (in class).
1) Topics: all material up-to-and-including CSPs. (Parts I --- AI, and II --- Problem-Solving of the book. I.e., chapters 1 through 6 (including), R&N 3rd edition.)
2) Use slides as study guide but also read relevant sections in R&N.
3) Study home works and solutions (questions will be of a similar nature).
4) You can bring one two-sided sheet of notes to the midterm.
CS-4701 project proposals are due Monday, Oct. 15. See detailed instructions.
Bart Selman: selman at cs dot cornell dot edu, Office Hours: Fri. 1:15-2:15pm @ Upson 4148 (or contact by email)
Paul Upchurch: paulu at cs dot cornell dot edu, Office Hours: Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm @ Upson360 (also 3:30-4:30pm the Monday before a homework is due)
Sung: jysung at cs dot cornell dot edu, Office Hours: Tuesday
9-10am @ Upson328B (EXTRA office hours: 1:10-2:10pm on Nov 19 Monday
@ Upson360)
Ashesh Jain: ashesh at cs dot cornell dot edu, Regular Office Hours: Friday 10-11am @ Upson 5132 (EXTRA office hours: Sunday 3pm to 4pm on Dec 2)
Lecture Slides
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Part I) Large file. pdf version (for math symbols)
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Part II) pdf version (for math symbols)
Intro Machine Learning (see also A few useful things to know about machine learning.)
Neural Networks Without video. (recent NYT article is here, advances in deep learning)