CS 4110 (Fall 2012)

Programming Languages and Logics
MWF 9:05-9:55
Hollister 306


An introduction to the theory, design, and implementation of programming languages. Topics include operational semantics, type systems, higher-order functions, scope, lambda calculus, laziness, exceptions, side effects, continuations, objects, and modules. Also discussed are concurrency and distributed programming.


Nate Foster
Email: jnfoster[at]cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: 4pm-5pm Mondays and 11am-12pm Wednesdays in Upson 4137

Teaching Assistants

Brittany Nkounkou
Email: nkounkou[at]cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: 8:30pm-9:30pm Thursdays in Upson 360

Raghu Rajkumar
Email: rajkumar[at]cs.cornell.edu
Office Hours: 5pm-6pm Mondays in Upson 4135

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Last updated August 2012