CS381: Introduction to Theory of Computing

Fall 2007

[Location] [Announcements] [Course Staff] [Office Hours] [Textbook] [Grading] [Exams] [Concepts] [Homework]


M W F 9:05--9:55 am, Hollister B14.


Course Staff

Note: Please use the course email list (cs381-l@lists address) to contact the course staff. That way, any memeber of the course staff can see your email, and appropriate person can reply.

Office Hours

Locations of office hours (except for Prof. Hopcroft's office hours) is 328 Upson Hall.

Extra office hours for prelim 1


Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation / John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani, Jeffery D. Ullman (2nd or 3rd Edition).



Regrade policy


Old exams

Concepts document

Here is the list of topics covered in lectures.


Homework is due every Friday. No late homework will be accepted without a medical reason (we operate on the honor system). We encourage your helping others. There is no "competition" for a grade; grades are on absolute basis. We will grade on correctness and clarity.

Two principles:

  1. write up in your own words
  2. you must understand everything you turn in

Graded homeworks will be taken to the lecture, if you are unable to pick up the homework on the day it is distributed in lecture, you can pick yours from UP 360. You must show your Cornell ID to pick up your assignments.