This course assumes that you have had previous experience in imperative programming and that you are at least familiar with the following:
While it is possible to learn C++ as a first language, the amount of work given in this class is calibrated to students who meet the above prerequisites. Students who do not will find themselves requiring considerably more than two credit hours worth of work to succeed in this class.
This class is intend to give students who already have experience in programming experience in the C++ programming language. Our goal is to cover the entire textbook (and hence every feature of the language). This means we will be covering about one chapter per lecture for the first few weeks and then about two chapters every three lectures thereafter.
Due to the fast pace at which we will be covering material I will not be able to cover everything in lecture. You must read the book. The lectures are intended to present examples and insight into the language and to provide a forum for questions. Code presented in lectures will be available for you to experiment with.
This course is taught with the understanding the preponderance of students are taking it for the purpose of gaining the experience necessary to seek employment in jobs that require proficiency in C++. The assignments and lectures are geared to bringing people up to a level where they can contribute to a professional software team.
This course is listed as two credits S/U.
There will be we weekly programming assignments that will
consist of 1-4 problems in the language. The goal of these exercise will be to give
you experience in using the language constructs presented in class. My intention is
that if you have done the required reading and attend class then each problem should be
doable in a single sitting (~ 60-90 minutes). Each assignment submitted must conform
to the class coding standard. You should also submit
with each exercise a few sentence summary detailing how (and if) it works. We
reserve the right to ask you to demo an assignment if we have questions.
With regard to the assignments, you may talk about the assignments amongst yourselves
(discuss techniques in the language, etc.) but you may not work in groups and you
absolutely may not share code. All of the code submitted must be your own.
Please refer to the course submission guidelines
for instructions on how to turn in assignments.
You may not have to give a demonstration of your final assignment. There may be as
many as two exams during the semester.
An 'S' we be given to those students who do ALL of the assignments and
who demonstrate sufficient proficiency in the language.
The choice of development environment is left to the discretion of the student. The code samples presented in class and made available on this site will have developed and tested using Microsoft Visual C++, Version 6.0. It is my intention that this course stick to the core C++ language (as presented in the textbook) and not make use of existing platform dependent libraries (Xlib, MFC, etc.). Therefore any compiler which implements the language properly can be used. I would however make the recommendation that you choose a platform with an integrated debugging tool.
This page was last edited: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 12:17:55 PM