Known errors in Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Third Edition
- Notes to Ch. 1, p. 11: “Graphics
Interface” is misspelled. (thanks: Vicente Batista)
- Section 2.3.3, p. 20: The triangle area
formula at the bottom of the page should have the factor
(1/4) in front of it, not (1/2). (thanks: Araz Yusubov)
- Figure 2.26, p. 32: The caption should
read “The partial derivative of a function f with
respect to x must hold….” (thanks: Mario
- Section 2.5.2, p. 32: The sentence after
the equation defining the partial derivative should read
“…partial derivatives with respect to x
and y&hellip.”
- Exercise 2.6, p. 50: The variable y
should be x. (thanks: Jennifer Gossels)
- Section 5.4.1, p. 106: In the second
equation from the bottom of the page, which gives a formula
for V in terms of the eigenvalue decomposition
of M, “M” should be replaced by
“A.” (thanks: Carlo Zambon)
- Section 6.1.3, p. 114: On the last line of
text on this page (before the equation) the expression
for r is missing a square root. (thanks: Carlo Zambon)
Section 6.3, p. 132Page 132, at the sentence before the second equation: (t_x, t_y) should be (x_t, y_t). (thanks Beatriz Andrade)
- Section 7.3, p. 152: In the last equation of
the page, beginnning with “P[x y z
1]^T” the intermediate result should be multiplied
by n (so that its last component is z). (thanks:
Wolfgang Hürst & Tim de Jager)
- Section 11.3.1, p. 254: The right hand side
of Equation 11.4 should read simply “1/h.”
The sentence just before this equation that starts with
“However” is false as written; it would be true
to say “However, if we interpolate linearly betwen
1/h_r and 1/h_R in screen space, the result
is 1/h.” This
PDF file contains a rewrite of this section that may be
clearer. (thanks: Xiuwen Liu)
- Section 12.1.4, p. 271: The pseudocode
is incorrect; the line in
the do
loop should read:
{t, i} = t.nbr[(i + 1) mod 3];
Also, in the termination condition
” should be
”. (thanks: Wei-Chun Yuan)
Further, the first iteration doesn't work. {t,i} = v.e; do { {t,i} = t.nbr[i]; i = (i+1) mod 3 } while (t != v.e.t); }
(thanks Thiago M. Paixão)
- Section 13.1, p. 305: The solution to the
differential equation that appears 4 lines from the bottom of
the page should read simply I = k
exp(-Cx). (thanks: Michael Reed)
- Section 13.1, p. 306: The displayed equation
for I(s) contains an extra minus sign; it should
read I(s) = I(0) exp(ln(a)s). (thanks: Michael Reed)
- Section 20.1.2, p. 518: In the last
paragraph of this section, the two instances of
“power” should be “energy.” (thanks:
Sangha Im)
- Section 20.1.3, p. 520: The last expression
should read Δq/(ΔtΔλ) for consistency
with the following sections. It's unclear whether ΔQ is energy or
spectral energy, according to the preceding paragraphs.
(thanks: Stephan Rehfeld)
- Section 20.1.6, p. 525: On the fifth line of
text, “radiance exitance” should be “radiant
exitance.” (thanks: Michael Reed)
- Section 20.1.6, p. 526: In the second
equation on this page, k should be C. (thanks:
Michael Reed)
Steve Marschner
Peter Shirley