Hakim Weatherspoon
Associate Director for Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture (CIDA)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Co-Founder of Exotanium, Inc.
427 Gates Hall
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
(607) 254-1257

Recent News
- Oct. 2021: Popular Press - Sports Illustrated Ex-Husky Hakim Weatherspoon Has His Head in the Clouds — That's a Good Thing
- Sep. 2021: Popular Press - Awarded $25M center to research digital tools to ‘communicate’ with plants
- Jul. 2021: Promoted to Professor!
- Sep. 2020: Popular Press - $3.3M gift to support CIS diversity efforts
- Aug. 2020: Hakim Weatherspoon Named Interim Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
- Aug. 2020: CSMore, CS rising sophoMore summer program, receives Insight into Diversity’s 2020 ‘Inspiring Programs in STEM’ Award
- Jul. 2020: Cloud software startup raises $1M, signs pilot deal
- Jul. 2020: CSMore, CS rising sophoMore program: Summer program aims to lower barriers for CS majors
- Mar. 2020: CIDA News Students swap skills to seek solutions at digital ag hackathon
- Jan. 2020: Hakim Weatherspoon Wins Microsoft Investigator Fellowship! See articles here and here
- Jan. 2020: Summer program aims to boost underrepresented CS majors
- Jun. 2019: SoNIC program empowers diverse CS students
- Apr. 2019: X-Containers paper presented at ACM ASPLOS 2019! See video of presentation here
- Mar. 2019: CIDA News Digital Ag Hackathon tackles pressing agricultural problems
- Feb. 2019: Shoal paper presented at USENIX NSDI 2019! See video of presentation here
- Feb. 2019: CIDA News Digital ag is Cornell’s newest radical collaboration initiative
- Sep. 2018: Tapia News CIS students head to diversity conference as numbers of minorities rise
- Nov. 2018: CodeAfrique News Students spark Ghanaian high schoolers’ interest in computer science
- Oct. 2018: CIDA News Digital agriculture initiative to tackle food security challenges
- Nov. 2014: SoNIC and Frenetic featured in the Cornell Chronicle, A fast track for data between Ithaca and New York City
- Nov. 2014: MinProbe will be presented at the 2014 Internet Measurement Conference (IMC)
- Oct. 2014: Chupja will be presented at New England Networking and Systems Day
- Oct. 2014: Prof. Hakim Weatherspoon was selected as a Kavli Frontiers Fellow from the National Academy of Sciences and presented at the Kavli Frontiers of Science, US-China National Academy of Science in Beijing
- Oct. 2014: Supercloud poster and demo was presented at OSDI
- Sep. 2014: Congratulations to Ji Yong Shin who successfully proposed his dissertation topic and passed is A-exam!
- Jul. 2014: MinProbe is accepted at IMC 2014
- Jun. 2014: Popular Press - The Cornell Chronicle wrote about Chupja, a high bandwidth, robust, and nearly impossible to detect covert channel created using SoNIC. Article is here
- Apr. 2014: Prof. Weatherspoon received the 2014 Zellman Warhaft Commitment to Diversity. Article here.
- Mar. 2014: Software Defining System Devices with the "Banana" Double-Split Driver Model was accepted to HotCloud 2014
- Mar. 2014: Chupja (PHY covert channel) is available for download
- Feb. 2014: Prof. Weatherspoon was voted by the community onto the USENIX Board of Directors
- Dec. 2013: Chupja (PHY covert channel) is accepted at NSDI 2014
- Aug. 2013: Wireless Data Center paper is accepted at ToN
- Apr. 2013: Hakim Weatherspoon will co-chair the fourth ACM Symposium of Cloud Computing (SoCC)
- Apr. 2013: SoNIC was presented at NSDI 2013
- Feb. 2013: Prof. Hakim Weatherspoon was the featured Plenary speaker at the ACM Richard Tapia Conference on Celebrating Diversity in Computing
- Feb. 2013: Gecko was presented at FAST 2013
- Dec. 2012: SoNIC is accepted at NSDI 2013
- Dec. 2012: Gecko is accepted at FAST 2013
- Nov. 2012: Congratulations to Dan Williams on successfully defending his Ph.D. thesis
- Oct. 2012: Wireless Data Center paper won best paper award at ANCS 2012
- Sep. 2012: Wireless data centers could be faster, cheaper, greener
- Aug. 2012: Prof. Weatherspoon received 2012 Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program award
- Aug. 2012: Netslice, Netbump, and Wireless Datacenter accepted at ANCS 2012
- Aug. 2012: Fmeter accepted at Middleware 2012
- Jun. 2012: Gecko won the 2nd prize in a student poster session during EMC University day
- Jun. 2012: Gecko presented at HotStorage 2012
- May. 2012: Won a Department of Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) grant through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) to create a "Mini-cloud Testbed for Mission-critical Clouds"
- Mar. 2012: Xen-Blanket accepted at Eurosys 2012
- Nov. 2011: Congratulations to Lakshmi Ganesh on successfully defending her Ph.D. thesis
- Oct. 2011: Prof. Weatherspoon won $1.35M funding to fix 'potholes'
- Sep. 2011: Awarded NSF CAREER
- Aug. 2011: Lakshmi Ganesh is awarded CIFellows
- Apr. 2011: Awarded DARPA CSSP (Computer Science Study Panel)
- Mar. 2011: Prof. Weatherspoon presented at Cornell Silicon Valley 2011
- Mar. 2011: Awarded NSF CiC (Computing in the Cloud)
- Mar. 2011: Overdriver is accepted and presented at VEE 2011
- Feb. 2011: Congratulations to Prof. Weatherspoon on being a recipient of Sloan Research Fellowships for 2011
- Aug. 2010: Awarded NSF FIA (Future Internet Architecture) awards
- Aug. 2010: Congratulations to Tudor Marian on successfully defending his dissertation
- Aug. 2010: BiFocals accepted at IMC 2010
- Jul. 2010: Prof. Weatherspoon won the NetApp Faculty Award
- Feb. 2010: Prof. Weatherspoon won the 2009 IBM Faculty Award
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