Chris Wilper
Research Programmer/Analyst
Digital Library Research Group
Department of Computer Science
Cornell University
Current Projects Fedora Implementation
I am part of a team working to develop an open source, production-quality digital object management system based on an architecture known as Fedora. The project and software's homepage is at


An application for working with and visualizing RDF graphs and RDQL queries. Supports many of the features of Jena2 (including inference) without the need to program them.

A client-side Jena Model implementation for Kowari. Allows one to use Jena API calls from a client connection to a Kowari RDF Triplestore. Update: This has now been integrated into the Kowari distribution as org.kowari.client.jena.kmodel

Fedora Server and Client
The current release of the software we are working on.

xlitprog (beta)
XML stylesheets for literate programming using arbitrary xml schemas and target programming languages (I use it mostly to write documents that tangle to java and weave to DocBook).


The Fedora Project
A 15-minute presentation on Fedora, given at Cornell's Mann Library in November, 2003.

Extending CMS With Web Services
A 45-minute presentation given at OSCOM3 at Harvard in April, 2003.


Disorganized thoughts, links, etc..

Last modified: 2004-03-18